Bail Bonds

Is Prison Depicted Accurately in the Movies?

Prison Break is the first show that springs to mind when you think of prison on TV, but it isn’t the…

Most Common Types of Bail Bonds

There are several types of bail bonds. See what kind of bail bond suits your need the most.

How Bail Bond Companies Stop the State from Throwing Poor People in Jail

In the United States, the rate for wrongful convictions lies between 2–10%. Sounds low, right? The prison population, if estimated…

Innocent People Who Were Jailed for Crimes They Didn’t Commit

The law enforcement system and the courts, the police stations and the people who work there all have their own…

Why is My Court Denying Me Bail?

When you’re posting bail, you’re basically trading either property or money with a court to ensure (a) your release and…

How You Should Address an Outstanding Warrant

You already know that the issuing of a warrant against you means that the police can arrest you on criminal…