Gainesville bail bonds take care of your need to secure a fast release if you are booked for breaking the law in Gainesville. There are several agencies in Gainesville that can be contacted at the time of need and will leave no stone unturned in getting you released from prison.

Got Booked?

Finding oneself on the wrong side of the law is never a good experience. But if you happen to be stuck in such a situation you can always call Lee Calhoun at (352) 379-9100 and regardless if it is 11 pm or 3 am, he will do his best to serve you. He has been in the business for more than 15 years, and it is always good to have someone on your side who has years of experience handling your bail.

What Going On In the Society?

The story of this week has to deal with incentive. A Florida couple, Chad and Joey Mudd of Largo, a suburb of Tampa-St Petersburg area, took Alleged child abusers out on bail.the method of incentive to a whole new level. They thought it would be a good idea to use cocaine and marijuana as tools of incentive. As long as the children went to school and did their household chores, they were given the cocaine and marijuana.

The drugs were not provided to the children only; they were also provided to a boyfriend of one of their daughters. Chad Mudd, the 36-year-old father, is charged with six counts of child abuse and Joey Mudd, the 34year-old mother, is charged with two counts of child abuse.

As of Thursday of last week, they have both posted bail. It is not known if they contacted a Gainesville 24 hour bails bonds. What is known is they made a poor choice, and there will be consequences.

This will be a very stressful time for the Mudd family, and hopefully, their children will learn that the only true incentive needed to go to school and to do household chores is accountability and responsibility.

Gainesville 24 Hour Bails Bonds Serving the Society

By providing round the clock service Lee Calhoun is ensuring that the people of the beautiful city of Gainesville don’t have to sweat over securing the release of their loved ones. Moreover, his proficiency with the laws of Gainesville city enables him to extend best possible service to the clientele within the stipulated timeframe.

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