It is always good to know you can reach Lee Calhoun 24 hours of the day. A person can be arrested at any time of the day and quite honestly for a person who has never been arrested, being in a city or county jail can be a very disturbing experience. Should you find yourself needing a Gainesville bail bondsman, always remember the name Lee Calhoun.

The bond amount is never the same for across the board and no more is that trleecalhoun-bailbondsue then a current case in Baltimore. Currently Allen Bullock, an 18 year old from Baltimore is facing a bail of $500,000. Bullock was photographed during the riots smashing a police car and has been charged with 8 misdemeanors. The bail amount is far more than his family can afford.

It was his stepfather who encouraged him to turn himself in, because he knew Bullock had committed a crime and Bullock needed to act like a grown man and recognize what he did was wrong. What makes this more shocking is the 6 police officers charged with the death of Freddie Gray Jr. received bails of $250,000 to $350,000 and all six have already posted bail. Is this fair?

It is no secret cities like Baltimore are suffering from socioeconomic disparities. Recently the Sentencing Project finished is study “Race and Punishment: Racial Perceptions of Crime and Support for Punitive Policies. The report noted Latinos and Blacks were more likely than whites to be denied bail or imposed a bail they simply could not afford to pay. Blacks and Latinos are more likely to be considered a flight risk. Could this be the reason Allen Bullock’s bail was set at $500,000?

Allen Bullock’s parents may have wanted him to do the right thing, and many people will agree with them, but now their son will likely spend the time leading to trial in jail. Hopefully the family will get some sort of financial assistance and be able to post bail for Allen.

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