Surety Agent – What’s a Surety Bond For Jail?

Surety Agent Surety bail bond agent is a bail agent who guarantees to the court that they will pay the full bail bond amount if a defendant fails to appear for their scheduled court appearances. The bail agent’s guarantee is made through a surety insurance company or...
How do Bail Bonds Work?

How do Bail Bonds Work?

Bail bonds are paid to the court and allow a suspect to return to the community until his trial starts. They are contracts between a court, a (also called Surety Bonds) and a criminal defendant. They are regarded as a contract between the government and the surety...

Know the Facts Before You Bail Someone Out

Getting the phone call that a loved one is in jail can cause high levels of stress and anxiety, especially for those who don’t know what to do to get their loved ones released. The top priority for most is to get their loved one released as quickly as possible, which...

How Do the Judges Set Bail: Get a Quick Overview

As we know that when an arrest is made, it is the judge who is asked to set a bail for alonger time as bail is not prohibited by the law because of the seriousness of the case. But, if bail is set excessively high, it can be meant that there is a great difference...
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