Is Prison Depicted Accurately in the Movies?

Is Prison Depicted Accurately in the Movies?

Prison Break is the first show that springs to mind when you think of prison on TV, but it isn’t the only cinematic undertaking to deal with the trope. There’s The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, Jailbreak, Snitch, The Irishman, Goodfellas, and a ton more. But...
Why is My Court Denying Me Bail?

Why is My Court Denying Me Bail?

When you’re posting bail, you’re basically trading either property or money with a court to ensure (a) your release and (b) that you’ll uphold the law and appear for all your court hearings when out on bail. In the event that you fail to present yourself in court,...
How You Should Address an Outstanding Warrant

How You Should Address an Outstanding Warrant

You already know that the issuing of a warrant against you means that the police can arrest you on criminal charges. A judge issues this warrant, and the police force implements it. Under these circumstances, you can tackle the situation by getting in touch with a...
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