When You’re Arrested, Your Family Suffers Too

When You’re Arrested, Your Family Suffers Too

When most people talk about the consequences of being arrested—such as the devastating effects it can have on mental health or the legal ramifications—the talk is usually only about one person: the person that is incarcerated. And while it’s true that the incarcerated...
How Should You Behave in Court?

How Should You Behave in Court?

If you’re currently out on bail, you know that you aren’t still safely out of jail. For starters, there are conditions to even being out of jail. Perhaps you paid your bail yourself, or perhaps you opted for a bail bond agency to post the bail for you like so many...
Florida Felonies: All You Need to Know

Florida Felonies: All You Need to Know

Out of all the crimes that you could be charged with, nothing is considered as serious as a felony. And while some things with regards to felonies in Florida might differ from what they are in other states, one thing is the same: it’s one of the most serious offenses...
Has Your Loved One Been Arrested? Here’s What to Do

Has Your Loved One Been Arrested? Here’s What to Do

In the year 2017, a total of 10,554,985 people were arrested nationwide, according to the FBI. In Florida alone that year 9,568 people were arrested in Alachua County; whereas 9,154 people were arrested in the succeeding year. When we think of arrests and jail, we...
Know Your Rights: Getting Arrested in Florida

Know Your Rights: Getting Arrested in Florida

Getting arrested is never a good experience but one should always be prepared. Otherwise, panic and nervousness may take over you and you might make regretful decisions. This may seem suspicious and the police may treat you more severely because of it. We understand...
Your 3-Day Action Plan After Getting Arrested in Florida

Your 3-Day Action Plan After Getting Arrested in Florida

Getting arrested is perhaps not a usual occurrence for you. If this is your first experience, you’re probably overtaken by panic and fear when the policeman tells you you’re under arrest. But you probably already know that panic isn’t going to get you out of this...
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