Gainesville Bail Bonds

Gainesville Bail Bonds

Gainesville bail bonds take care of your need to secure a fast release if you are booked for breaking the law in Gainesville. There are several agencies in Gainesville that can be contacted at the time of need and will leave no stone unturned in getting you released...

Alleged Stalker Terrorizes Gainesville Woman

Benjamin C. Rosenshein from Gainesville, FL was jailed on Thursday April 30th, after he was accused of harassing his ex-girlfriend and smashing a window in her home. 32 year old Benjamin C Rosenshein was angry his ex-girlfriend did not reply with a thank you for...

The Florida Bail Bonds Process and Who to Choose!

Posting bail is a process that may seem long and arduous, but can be taken care of quickly by Lee Calhoun Bail Bonds. First and foremost, we would need the arrestees name, date of birth, and which county they are being detained in. Once we have all of the necessary...
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